Health Reset — doing plant-based right!

Wholesome Bellies
2 min readApr 9, 2022

MEET FI — Founder of Wholesome Bellies, plant-based chef extraordinaire and Brisbane’s only plant-based, exclusive cooking school!

MEET KIAH — a plant-based dietician who works in areas of disordered eating, gut health and plant based nutrition and is passionate about helping women build a healthy relationship with food and their body.

Together, this dynamic duo have a combined their wealth of knowledge on plant-based nutrition and how to make plants taste incredible! They’ll teach you how to build healthy lifelong habits, and eat healthy, delicious, plant-based food forever

· A one-on-one, private one-hour consultation with Kiah to discuss your health and plant-based needs

· A tailored plant-based meal plan just for you (prepared by Kiah)

· 5 x in person plant-based nutritional seminars at Wholesome Bellies, presented by by Kiah (these will be recorded)

· 5 x two hour cooking workshops at Wholesome Bellies with Fi (this will follow the seminar with Kiah) — also recoreded

· 5 x plant-based dinners prepared by Fi, to be enjoyed before each seminar/cooking workshop

· 3 x live one-hour virtual Q & A webinars on zoom

· Printed workbook containing nutritional information, all recipes and notes

· Private facebook group

· Over 40 plant-recipes

· Become a Wholesome Bellies VIP with a permanant 10% discount on all cooking classes and events.



Wholesome Bellies

Wholesome Bellies was created from my passion for healthy eating and cooking.